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These shocking pictures represents two extreme cases of gynecomastia. These individual’s gynecomastia or “bitch tits” as they are commonly described became so severe, that a double mastectomy was required to remove the excess tissue. There are numerous causes of gynecomastia, but the ones we are most concerned about as athletes, are naturally occurring gynecomastia and gyno caused by the conversion of anabolic steroids and steroid precursors into estrogen. Several years ago, I spoke with my friend, the plastic surgeon Dr. Bruce Nadler, about his thriving male breast reduction practice. I was curious as to why so many athletes would need breast reduction surgery, a procedure costing in excess of $5000, when so may powerful anti-estrogens exist to prevent the causes of gynecomastia. Dr. Nadler, explained that it was a combination of ignorance, disbelief, and just plain cheapness on the part of bodybuilders and athletes. I tend to agree with him. You see, once you have gyno, there is nothing that can be done to get rid of it, but before you get it, there is plenty that can be done to prevent its formation. Here is a general description of male breast reduction from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. When male breast-reduction surgery is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, complications are infrequent and usually minor. Nevertheless, as with any surgery, there are risks. These include infection, skin injury, excessive bleeding, adverse reaction to anesthesia, and excessive fluid loss or accumulation. The procedure may also result in noticeable scars, permanent pigment changes in the breast area, or slightly mismatched breasts or nipples. If asymmetry is significant, a second procedure may be performed to remove additional tissue. |
The temporary effects of breast reduction include loss of breast sensation or numbness, which may last up to a year.
During the initial consultation, your surgeon will examine your breasts and check for causes of the gynecomastia, such as impaired liver function, use of estrogen-containing medications, or anabolic steroids. If a medical problem is the suspected cause, you\'ll be referred to an appropriate specialist.
Your plastic surgeon may, in extreme cases, also recommend a mammogram, or breast x-ray. This will not only rule out the very small possibility of breast cancer, but will reveal the breast\'s composition. Once your surgeon knows how much fat and glandular tissue is contained within the breasts, he or she can choose a surgical approach to best suit your needs.
Don\'t hesitate to ask your surgeon any questions you may have during the initial consultation- including your concerns about the recommended treatment or the costs involved. Treatment of gynecomastia may be covered by medical insurance, but policies vary greatly. Check your policy or call your carrier to be sure. If you are covered, make certain you get written pre-authorization for the treatment recommended by your surgeon.
Preparing for your surgery
Your surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on eating, drinking, and taking certain vitamins and medications.
Smokers should plan to stop smoking for a minimum of one or two weeks before surgery and during recovery. Smoking decreases circulation and interferes with proper healing. Therefore, it is essential to follow all your surgeon\'s instructions.
Where your surgery will be performed
Surgery for gynecomastia is most often performed as an outpatient procedure, but in extreme cases, or those where other medical conditions present cause for concern, an overnight hospital stay may be recommended. The surgery itself usually takes about an hour and a half to complete. However, more extensive procedures may take longer.
Type of anesthesia
Correction of enlarged male breasts may be performed under general, or in some cases, under local anesthesia plus sedation. You\'ll be awake, but very relaxed and insensitive to pain. More extensive correction may be performed under general anesthesia, which allows the patient to sleep through the entire operation. Your surgeon will discuss which option is recommended for you, and why this is the option of choice.
The surgery
If excess glandular tissue is the primary cause of the breast enlargement, it will be excised, or cut out, with a scalpel. The excision may be performed alone or in conjunction with liposuction. In a typical procedure, an incision is made in an inconspicuous location, either on the edge of the areola or in the under arm area. Working through the incision, the surgeon cuts away the excess glandular tissue, fat and skin from around the areola and from the sides and bottom of the breast. Major reductions that involve the removal of a significant amount of tissue and skin may require larger incisions that result in more conspicuous scars. If liposuction is used to remove excess fat, the cannula is usually inserted through the existing incisions.
If your gynecomastia consists primarily of excessive fatty tissue, your surgeon will likely use liposuction to remove the excess fat. A small incision, less than a half-inch in length, is made around the edge of the areola, the dark skin that surrounds the nipple. Or, the incision may be placed in the underarm area. A slim hollow tube called a cannula which is attached to a vacuum pump, is then inserted into the incision. Using strong, deliberate strokes, the surgeon moves the cannula through the layers beneath the skin, breaking up the fat and suctioning it out. Patients may feel a vibration or some friction during the procedure, but generally no pain.
In extreme cases where large amounts of fat or glandular tissue have been removed, skin may not adjust well to the new smaller breast contour. In these cases, excess skin may have to be removed to allow the removing skin to firmly readjust to the new breast contour.
Sometimes, a small drain is inserted through a separate incision to draw off excess fluids. Once closed, the incisions are usually covered with a dressing. The chest may be wrapped to keep the skin firmly in place.
After your surgery
Whether you\'ve had excision with a scalpel or liposuction, you will feel some discomfort for a few days after surgery. However, discomfort can be controlled with medications prescribed by your surgeon. In any case, you should arrange to have someone drive you home after surgery and to help you out for a day or two if needed.
You\'ll be swollen and bruised for awhile, in fact, you may wonder if there\'s been any improvement at all. To help reduce swelling, you\'ll probably be instructed to wear an elastic pressure garment continuously for a week or two, and for a few weeks longer at night. Although the worst of your swelling will dissipate in the first few weeks, it may be three months or more before the final results of your surgery are apparent.
You\'ll be encouraged to begin walking around on the day of surgery, and can return to work when you feel well enough, which could be as early as a day or two after surgery. Any stitches will generally be removed about 1 to 2 weeks following the procedure.
Your surgeon may advise you to avoid sexual activity for a week or two, and heavy exercise for about three weeks. You\'ll be told to stay away from any sport or job that risks a blow to the chest area for at least four weeks. In general, it will take about a month before you\'re back to all of your normal activities.
You should also avoid exposing the resulting scars to the sun for at least six months. Sunlight can permanently affect the skin\'s pigmentation, causing the scar to turn dark. If sun exposure is unavoidable, use a strong sunblock.
So why don’t athletes use anti-estrogens to keep from getting gyno in the first place? Anti-estrogens cost pennies compared to painful breast reduction surgery. Like Dr. Nadler explained to me, many bodybuilders are ignorant. They still think that gyno can be reversed once they get it. Or worse still, they begin using steroids or steroid precursors and do not know that gyno even exists. In other words, they start a cycle without educating themselves.
Disbelief is an important reason Dr. Nadler’s business is thriving. Many bodybuilders and athletes believe that it will not happen to them. There is some truth to this thinking. Not all athletes who use steroids and steroid precursors will get gyno. These lucky few can take high testosterone dosages and never develop gynecomastia But the vast majority of us are not nearly so lucky. You and I can and will develop gyno if we do not take precautions before hand.
And the third reason, excess thrift, is probably the main cause of gyno in our community. Rather than spending a little bit today to prevent this terrible development, athletes will try and economize and will refuse to invest in the necessary items that can prevent gyno in the first place. You know the old saying, “Penny wise, pound foolish.”
Fortunately, there are some excellent drugs and nutriceuticals available both with and without a prescription that can prevent gynecomastia There are many different types of flavonoids with varying biological activities. What a great number of flavonoids have in common is their ability to selectively inhibit certain enzymes. Our discussion begins with the flavonoids and their ability to block the process of the aromatase enzyme, which is responsible for estrogen conversion in men.
Epidemiological studies show that populations in Asian countries have a lesser risk of the hormone-dependant cancers of the breast and prostate than do populations in the West. Among the multitude of environmental and genetic differences between Eastern and Western populations, interest has focused on Asian consumption of food products that are rich in Daidzein.
A phytoestrogen is a plant compound that mimics the actions of the animal sex hormone estrogen. Daidzein is recognized by the body as estrogen, but, by mechanisms still under investigation, daidzein lowers estrogen and progesterone levels in the blood. In other words, the body thinks there is estrogen present when there is none! Lowered hormone levels lead to lowered risk of hormone-dependant cancers and more importantly for you and me, a means of preventing gynecomastia
The potent phyto-estrogen Daidzein is a key isoflavone found in soy, and is structurally a very weak "pseudo-estrogen" (about 1000 times weaker than the body\'s primary estrogen estradiol). This is good news to the bodybuilder because weak estrogens like Daidzein will compete with stronger estrogens like estradiol for available receptor sites to "bind" to. By binding to the receptor sites Daidzein then "blocks" the stronger estrogens from binding to and activating receptor sites. With the Daidzein isoflavone attached, estrogen receptor sites remain inactive. This inactivity further minimizes the negative effects of estrogen in the body.
A recent study at the Nanjing Dept. of Veterinary Medicine, looked at the effects of Diadzein administration on muscle growth and hormone levels in lab rats. The study used 66 rats (28 male, 12 female, and 26 castrated male), all 50 days old. (1.)
The researchers administered the Diadzein for 16 days continuously. All the rats were fed the same diet. In the male rats who received Diadzein, lean body weight gain increased 14.7% over the control group who did not receive supplemental Diadzein. Serum testosterone, Beta-endorphin and growth hormone all increased as well.
In the castrated male rats, no considerable differences were found in body weight gain and hind leg muscle weight, although concentrations of serum growth hormone, Beta-endorphin and testosterone increased significantly. However, the testosterone level of castrated male rats was still only about 8.0% of that of intact male rats.
Interestingly, in the female rats, estradiol (Estrogen) decreased significantly.
Another powerful anti-estrogen can be extracted from the Passiflora Caerulea plant. The flavonoid that is extracted is called Chrysin. Research has shown that Chrysin can help block the body from converting testosterone into estrogen. Since most bodybuilders and many athletes are interested in elevating their testosterone levels with supplementation, Chrysin is an ideal supplement to take in conjunction with other testosterone boosters in order to prevent feminizing side effects.
Chrysin is a flavonoid recognized as being the most powerful naturally occurring anti-estrogen available today. In fact, Chrysin is as potent as the respected anti-estrogen drug aminogluthemide.
Scientific studies in Europe show that Chrysin has the potential to increase testosterone concentrations in excess of 30% (and have the concentrations REMAIN as testosterone).
My friend, the late steroid guru Dan Duchaine, referred to Chrysin as "Flavone X" in a May 1996 article in Muscle Media magazine entitled "Flavone X: The next frontier in drug-free muscle building!". Dan described Chrysin as a powerful anti-estrogen testosterone booster. The article\'s glowing praise of the unnamed flavone created quite a stir in the bodybuilding community and everyone wanted to know which of the flavones was this mysterious "Flavone X." Why did Dan see the need for secrecy? Probably because the supplement company EAS was in the process of applying for a use patent on the flavone which would have given them exclusive rights to sell the most powerful, naturally-occurring anti-estrogen ever discovered at a huge profit. However, someone in their organization leaked the name of the flavone, and the world found out that the mysterious "Flavone X" was actually a flavonoid called Chrysin.
In the article, Dan wrote "The following information may be some of the most important writing I\'ve ever done. Its applications will profoundly influence a man\'s body from puberty until death. By manipulating naturally occurring estrogen in the male metabolism, an individual will allow greater height gains during adolescence, raise testosterone production to 30% over normal, and postpone the declining testosterone secretion that occurs from middle age onward..."
Dan went on to explain the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis in detail and describes the dangers of aromatization or testosterone to estrogen conversion in bodybuilders. Dan then states that Chrysin will inhibit aromatase and that most men will experience an increase of at least 20% over normal testosterone levels. European Olympic athletes consume 1-3 grams of Chrysin daily and have found it both safe and effective.
HOW CHRYSIN WORKS The flavonoid Chrysin works to boost and preserve testosterone in two ways. First through its anti-aromatase function and second by eliminating estrogen\'s negative feedback loop. Aromatase or estrogen synthetase is what is known as the conversion of testosterone into estrogen through the aromatase enzyme. Chrysin blocks the aromatase enzyme from converting testosterone into estrogen allowing testosterone levels to remain high. By stopping the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen Chrysin also encourages your body to produce more testosterone by eliminating the so-called "negative feedback" loop that would otherwise signal your body to stop or slow natural testosterone production.
Your body uses estrogen levels as a sort of test to decide how much testosterone to produce. High estrogen levels means the testes will slow down or stop the production of testosterone. Low estrogen levels means it is time to turn up testosterone production. So, by reducing estrogen levels, Chrysin fools the testes into producing more of mother nature\'s favorite anabolic hormone-TESTOSTERONE. The elimination of the negative feedback loop, together with Chrysin\'s anti-aromatase testosterone sparing effect, makes it doubly effective as a testosterone booster.
Research suggests Chrysin’s anti-aromatase function prevents the estrogenic side effects so often associated with the use of androgenic steroids and heavy doses of some steroid precursors. High estrogen levels are commonly associated with androgenic drug and supplement use. Excess testosterone is quickly converted to estrogen via the aromatase enzyme. This excess estrogen can adversely affect the physique by causing gynecomastia, the growth of breast tissue in males —remember, you don\'t want this to happen because it usually takes surgery to fix. Estrogen also increases water retention under the skin giving you a soft, flat look.
Aside from it’s testosterone increasing and estrogen-suppressing effects, Chrysin has some additional beneficial properties. Chrysin is a potent antioxidant that possesses vitamin-like effects in the body. Additionally, it has been shown to be an anti-inflammatory.
Chrysin has one other property that could add to its libido-enhancing potential. A major cause of sexual dissatisfaction among men is work-related stress and anxiety as well as "sexual performance anxiety" that prevents them from being able to achieve erections when they are expected to. Chrysin was shown to produce anti-anxiety effects comparable with diazepam, but without sedation and muscle relaxation. In other words, Chrysin produced a relaxing effect in the brain, but with no impairment of motor activity.
So, you may be wondering, are there any disadvantages to Diadzein and Chrysin, two non-hormonal, anabolic, estrogen suppressing agents. There are no side effects, except that large dosages of each are required for them to be effective.
Mass Quantities, is the only supplement company today that has combined these two ingredients in their product Chrysin Deluxe. As you know, I have long been a big supporter of Mass Quantities – and products like their innovative Chrysin Deluxe are a key reason. Mass Quantities call the Chrysin Diadzein combination the Bind and Block Mechanism. Chrysin suppresses estrogen, and Diadzein binds to the estrogen receptors (located in abundance around the breast) and then blocks estrogen from attaching itself -- preventing gynecomastia
Even the most hardcore steroid using bodybuilders, who would previously only have looked toward prescription drugs for relief of estrogenic side effects, are finding Mass Quantities Chrysin Deluxe formula to be a powerfully effective option. Many use it by itself and some stack it with pharmaceuticals to make double certain they avoid gyno.
If you have never tried Chrysin Deluxe, or if you need to stock up on this amazing supplement, then there has never been a better time. Right now, and for the next 72 hours only, Mass Quantities Chrysin Deluxe is 25% off! Normally $49.97, get it today for $37.48! Click here to place your order.
Each 100 capsule bottle of Chrysin contains 250mg of 99% pure lab-tested Chrysin and 25mg of the potent Bind and Block isoflavone Daidzein. Chrysin Deluxe is a natural, safe, and completely non-toxic anti-estrogen and testosterone/libido booster with no side effects. Athletes typically take Chrysin Deluxe by itself or in combination with a cycle. Typical Chrysin Deluxe dosages are 2 to 3 capsules three times a day with food.
The raw materials for all Mass Quantities products are sourced exclusively from the most respected pharmaceutical laboratories and manufacturers worldwide. The raw materials are further refined in MQ\'s own processing laboratory. Like all their supplements, Mass Quantities Chrysin Deluxe has been independently lab tested to guarantee that you are getting the highest quality and purity. But do not take my word for it, you can view the lab results right on the web site.
Here\'s what Chrysin Deluxe customers had to say about the product (on file and completely unedited):
Hey gang! I just wanted to share a story with you about my recent cycle. I was getting soreness behind my nipples while saucing and was told to use nolvadex. Well, I couldn\'t find any and I read up on your Chrysin product. Needless to say, once I started the Chrysin the pain disappeared and the swelling went down. You got a new life-timer here. Thanks! Jay, Staten Island |
Mr. Spellwin, Thanks for another great product! Felt the ol nips getting a bit itchy. Started your Chrysin Deluxe and finished my cycle with no problems. Wife\'s a D, don\'t need another pair in the family. Mark D. Batton Rouge, LA |
Hello George, I\'ve been giving my patients Chrysin Deluxe for stress as it displays great therapeutic effects to control anxiety. They absolutely love it. Dr. Bagnato, Maimi, FL |
George, Please let your members know that they must use Chrysin or an anti-estrogen on each and every cycle. I\'m going in to have my gyno sucked out and it\'s costing $4500. Wish I had done my homework. Ralph, G. Atlanta, GA |
Dear MQ, Last time I cycled my nips got sore and puffy. It scared the crap out of me because I didn\'t want to get manbreasts. On my current cycle, I did exactly what I did with my last, except I\'m taking Chrysin a few times each day and there is no puffiness and no soreness. This stuff\'s great! clk823 |
Big GS, I\'m natural, and use your Chrysin for a testosterone boost! It really works. Making great gains in size and strength. Andy, B. |
Mr. Spellwin, Screw the naysayers, Chrysin DEFINITELY works. The people that bash it are the people that have never used it! Too bad, cause a buddy of mine looks like that dude with tits in Fight Club. Angelo, Queens New York |
Don\'t decide now...
Mass Quantities and I are so certain that you will be satisfied with our Chrysin Deluxe formula that Mass Quantities offers you an Unconditional Money Back Guarantee on the entire line of supplements. If for any reason, your purchase does not meet your every expectation, please contact Mass Quantities for a prompt and courteous refund without question.
Do not delay! Take immediate advantage of this 72 hour 25% off special offer. You save over $12.00 per bottle. And remember, if you add two more products to your order, you\'ll receive FREE Overnight shipping. Click here to place your order.
This picture was taken just before a bilateral mastectomy was performed. A total of .5kg of breast tissue was removed from this gentleman. | This is a picture of a 15 year old boy. It was taken just before a bilateral mastectomy was performed. A total of 1kg of breast tissue was removed from both sides. |
Mass Quantities Chrysin Deluxe combines chrysin\'s unique anti-aromatase power with the exclusive "Bind and Block Mechanism" of the potent isoflavone diadzein. Alone chrysin and daidzein each possess highly effective anti-estrogenic properties. Together they form a testosterone and libido pumping anti-estrogen team guaranteed to allow you to safely gain and preserve pounds of lean muscle mass. And for the next 72 hours, save 25% on each bottle. Click here to stock up!
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