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Two of the more intriguing peptides out there are GW-501516 and Acadesine (a.k.a. AICAR). The reason why these particular peptides fascinate researchers is because, even when used alone, they've been shown to improve fat loss and endurance. When GW and AICAR are stacked together, they have an even more powerful effect on burning fat and raising endurance levels.
Salk Institute proved this during a 2008 study, where they administered GW and AICAR to experimental mice. Used by itself on the mice, AICAR induced metabolic genes and significantly improved running endurance by converting fast-twitch muscle fibers to the more energy-efficient, fat-burning, slow-twitch fibers.
The Salk researchers also stacked GW-501516 with AICAR and gave this combination to sedentary mice. They discovered that this combo activated 40% of the genes that were turned on when mice were administered GW and made to exercise. This finding shows that these peptides could provide the benefits of exercising without actually exercising.
Given that GW-501516 and Acadesine have proven very beneficial to test subjects, let's cover these peptides in depth and answer some frequently asked questions about them.
GW was developed by GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) as a treatment for diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. GW can potentially burn fat and increase endurance when used alone on sedentary test subjects. This compound passed phase II trails and then ceased in 2007. The World Anti-Doping Agency didn't ban GW until 2009, meaning that athletes were theoretically free to abuse it during the 2008 Olympics.
AICAR was developed to treat leukemia and potentially diabetes. This compound is an AMP activated protein kinase activator (an enzyme that's responsible for metabolic processes which sustain life). As the Sulk Institute study showed, AICAR can improve endurance by converting fast-twitch muscle fibers to fat-burning, slow-twitch fibers.
Why do Athletes and Bodybuilders use GW and AICAR?
While peptides aren't cleared for human use, plenty of athletes and bodybuilders still use GW and AICAR to improve their performance. Bodybuilders often express interest in the fat-burning capabilities of these peptides. Athletes, especially those in endurance sports, believe that the GW and AICAR stack can quickly raise their endurance levels.
How do you use GW and AICAR on Test Subjects?
GW already comes in liquid form so no mixing is needed; just have your test subject swallow the liquid. There's a consensus on fitness forums that a 5-20mg daily dosage is your best option on test subjects.
AICAR comes in powder form, like most peptides, and needs to be mixed carefully, then injected sub-Q (dermal administration). The consensus on AICAR's dosage can range from 10mg a day to 50mg a day, depending upon the size of your test subject and how pure the brand is. Typically, 8-week cycles are most popular, but you should check out the Elite Fitness forums to learn more on this.
Are GW and AICAR Safe for Female Test Subjects?
Absolutely. Neither of these compounds are hormones, so female test subjects can definitely enjoy all the benefits without fears of virilization effects (developing man-like features).
In Plain English, how do these Compounds burn Fat?
Simply put, when your test subject exercises, GW and AICAR will help attack fat stores and increase the fatty acid metabolism. Many test subjects could have predisposed genetic problems and/or poor metabolism, which prevents them from burning fat. These compounds will counteract this so that exercise actually pays off.
PS here are some related links to discussions about GW and AICAR on the forums:
3. Gw501516
5. Any one Cutting FAT using GW501516 and Aicar
6. Aicar + gw ?
7. Aicar
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