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Back in the mid 1990\'s, shortly after Elite Fitness created the first Bodybuilding and Anabolic Steroid discussion board, my friend Bill Llewellyn partnered with a Columbia University student, Brian Raupp, and the two of them started the web site The partnership between Llewellyn and Raupp proved short lived, and they eventually split up. Bill Llewellyn got the name and he later went on to work for me and then he went on to author the book Anabolics 2000 and it\'s follow up\'s.
Brian Raupp, having lost the name to Bill, created the discussion board which is still around even today. While I have never tolerated source posting and drug sale solicitations on the boards, many other boards including have been more tolerant of this practice. And while has always been supported by our Platinum Members, Advertisers, and through the sale of supplements and eBooks, many of the other Steroid boards exist only as a means for their owners to find athletes that they can deal drugs to.
On August 21, Brian Raupp was formally charged in Manhattan federal court on accusations that he sold anabolic steroids and the club drug Ketamine. Papers filed by a federal drug prosecutor allege that Raupp conducted his business over e-mail using several different personal accounts including his Columbia University email address and the address [email protected]. Prosecutors said that Raupp instructed customers to send money to an address at the Mailboxes Etc. store at 2840 Broadway.
In an article appearing in the Columbia Daily Spectator, Raupp denied the charges. Ketamine is an anesthetic used legally in dentistry and veterinary medicine. Sold as "Special K," its use is on the rise as a club drug popular at raves and parties. Raupp, along with a team of alleged conspirators, is accused of importing both anabolic steroids and this drug from Mexico at a rate of thousands of vials a week. One alleged co-conspirator in the drug ring is another former Columbia student, 23-year-old David Pruitt, who was a fraternity brother of Raupp\'s while at Columbia, according to the court report. If convicted, Raupp could face up to 20 years in prison and two million dollars in fines. |
| is currently hosted by Interserver in Secaucus, NJ. It is unknown at this time if Interserver has been subpoenaed by federal drug prosecutors. A whois search of indicates that the registrar is currently "Web Design 2000." They have no phone number listed and their address is a PO Box in Canada.
The important thing for our members to take away from this is that you are not anonymous on any of the Boards on the Net. And therefore, you need to know who you are dealing with when you participate on anyone\'s forum. The Internet gives an image of anonymity, but dig a little deeper and you\'ll find it\'s a false front.
Here\'s how:
All Internet sites collect information about their visitors. This information is logged by the site server that sends Web pages to your computer, and the data is referred to as Web server logs or weblogs.
You\'ll be surprised how much information your disloyal computer passes over to the site you\'re visiting. Nothing as serious as your name or email address, but probably much more than you\'d expect.
The most identifying thing about you that gets passed is your IP Address. This number is your "street address" for the Internet. It is a string of numbers that identify exactly where you are in the huge ever-changing mass of networks that make up the Internet at a particular time. It must be passed to every site you visit so that the site knows where to send the web pages that you\'ve requested.
The bad news is that your IP address is quite distinctive. It\'s easy to tell from the numbers which country you\'re connecting from and which Internet Service Provider you\'re using.
Here\'s how the Feds can and do obtain your personal information:
Initially they would contact the registrar of a particular site and just ask them to turn over their discussion forum database -- along with your IP address information. Most sites do it with little or no protest because they will be threatened with obstruction of justice for failing to do so. Better sites, like Elite, will have lawyers on retainer and will direct any inquires to them.
But on a site like, there is no contact information for the site owner to be found and a whois search turns up virtually nothing. So in this case, the Feds will subpoena the ISP that hosts the site. In the case of, Interserver in Secaucus, NJ would be subpoenaed and they would turn over the member database, web logs with your IP address, and the time of every visit you ever made to that site.
The Feds will take your specific IP address to the Internet Service Provider who owns it, like AOL or MSN. And in the space of a few seconds, working with your ISP, the Feds can link any address with a specific user. That\'s you.
Even if you use a free ISP account that didn\'t need registration, the detail comes from your phone line. These accounts only work with "line recognition", which means the ISP receives your phone number when you log on. The Feds will subpoena this and then work with the phone company. Ultimately, you can always be tracked down from your IP address because it can be linked directly either to you or to your phone line.
Here\'s why it\'s so important to know and trust the boards and sites you visit:
1. You want a board that can afford a lawyer. If a member gets popped, you want to be sure that the site owner\'s lawyer will only comply with the specific requests of a subpoena as it pertains to the specific member subpoenaed. You don\'t want the site owner to turn over the entire member database, your customer history, and your private messages because they cannot afford a lawyer to help them confine the subpoenaed information to the member in question. And worse, you don\'t want the site owner to be so anonymous that the site\'s ISP get\'s subpoenaed and the entire site gets handed over to the Feds on a silver platter.
2. You want a board that exists and pays for its operations through member subscriptions and advertising instead of existing as a loss leader for a drug dealer. This is crucial, because if the dealer get\'s busted, the member database becomes evidence and you along with it. The board owner/dealer can even make a deal to turn over your member information for a sentence reduction.
What can you do if you think you\'ve been participating on a questionable board? First, ask the administrators and mods to delete your posting history and personal messages. Any respectable board will graciously do this. Second, change your screen names, ISP, and email account. Third, start using secure encrypted email like the free web-based email. Fourth, make sure you only participate on forums you know and trust.
How can you know who to trust? Here\'s a few things to consider:
1. Do you know who owns the board?
2. Do you have their contact phone number?
3. Do you have an address for them?
4. How does the site stay online? Subscriptions? Supplements? Books? Or is it a front for a dealer?
5. Does the site accept credit cards? VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover? To get an account to accept credit cards, you entire business is scrutinized -- because VISA does not want to get left holding the bag if the business goes under. They even come and visit your office to make sure you are selling something legitimate.
6. How long has the site been online? Often but not always, longer is better. Elite went online in 1996.
7. Does the site allow source postings? Better sites will not allow source posting nor will they knowingly allow moderators that deal.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. If you have any suggestions for knowing how to tell a trustworthy board, I hope you will share them with our members. And of course, please visit the Elite Fitness Boards to discuss Brian Raupp,, or anything else related to this recent bust. [Discuss on the Boards]
[sc:signoff-std]PS: Ask any of the elite members who have become truly massive beasts which anabolic substance has had the most profound effect upon their physique and the answer from the largest bodybuilders will unanimously be insulin. Though GH has been brought to the forefront of competitive stages, the well retained, lean muscle mass displayed beneath the onion skin exterior of today\'s top bodybuilders is owed to the relationship insulin has with all other physical enhancement chemistry. Insulin, my friends, is what has made beasts what they are in the new millennium.
Several weeks ago, in Elite Fitness News, we printed a two part excerpt from Chemical Muscle Enhancement by the new anabolic steroid Guru Author L. Rea. The excerpt "Big Fat Bastards and Insulin" is about using the storage hormone insulin for making the absolute most amazing gains possible. But watch out! Although highly anabolic to muscle, insulin is also highly anabolic to fat. So unless used correctly, bodybuilding\'s best muscle builder can turn you into a big fat bastard instead! In case you missed this amazing article, here it is again.
Insulin: Big Fat Bastards and Muscular Beasts Part I
Insulin: Big Fat Bastards and Muscular Beasts Part II
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