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Build hard, dry muscle while you burn fat fast - getting ripped, cut and perfectly defined.
From the desk of...
George Spellwin - Founder
Dear Friend and Fellow Athlete,
Imagine a cycle where you can build hard, dry muscle while you burn fat fast - getting ripped, cut and perfectly defined. A cycle where you melt off pounds of the stuff consumed throughout the work-week while pretty much eating whatever you want on the weekends. It does involve the use of drugs, some very controversial, but not steroids. So, it’s a cycle for both men and women.
You're about to discover a highly controversial cycle from my friend Dr. Field Farrar called the Clenbuterol/Anorectant No.10/Insulin Ketogenic Cutting Cycle.
Although it’s outstanding for weight loss, it was specifically designed for athletes or models looking for contest-ready definition, razor sharp cuts, and photoshoot-ready vascularity, all in the shortest period of time.
Lots of people will find it radical because it optionally includes the drug Humulin R insulin to accelerate fat burning - a drug that’s not typically associated with weight loss. Equally controversial is that it uses either the banned stimulant Clenbuterol, or the preferable stimulant Anorectant No.10, which is still legal as of this writing. These are two of the best weight loss compounds that work exceedingly well in women but are also the top choice in weight loss supplements for men.
Get ready to melt fat like never before, dropping your body fat percent into the low single digits.
Yours in sport,

George Spellwin
From the desk of Dr. Field Farrar
Founder of
Phone: (888) 852-8091
Email Me: [email protected]
Hello guys!
My name is Dr. Field Farrar, the founder of This week George decided to send you guys my new report - all about radical fat burning. If you're not as ripped, lean, and muscular as you like, but want to change that starting right now, you’re in luck! Right now I'll show you how to get a perfectly defined physique with a new cycle that I call the Clenbuterol/Anorectant No.10/Insulin Ketogenic Cutting Cycle. We’ll call it the Clen Anorectant Insulin cycle (or CAI cycle) for short. You can download the supplemental PDF guide for free.
I already know I’m going to get a ton of heat, for teaching you how to use injectable insulin for thermogenic fat burning because used improperly, it can be very dangerous. And I’m sure I will get in even more trouble for telling you how to stack it with metabolic stimulants like Clenbuterol or Anorecetant No.10, the latter being the most effective diet pill made today. But, I also firmly believe that burning fat without the assistance of drugs has shown to be nearly impossible for a great majority of us. For the 99% of us with regular genetics, myself included, the guy who wants to look like a physique model ready for a competition or the woman who wants to look like a Victoria Secret Angel or a red carpet ready celebrity, you’re going to need some help.
Here’s a quick summary of how the Clen Anorectant Insulin cycle works, I’ll give you the full explanation in a minute. On this fat melting cycle, insulin is used to quickly get your body into ketosis. Ketosis is a metabolic state where your body’s energy needs come from fat - be it dietary fat or body fat. At the point when your body is only burning fat for energy, you add a stimulating, appetite suppressant like Clenbuterol or Anorectant No.10, the most effective diet pill made today, and the fat literally melts right off of you. The problem for many people is actually getting into a deep state of ketosis. On a typical ketogenic diet, it takes a minimum of 3-days to reach this state. And if you’re athletic, you may never fully get into ketosis. With the addition of insulin, you can reach ketosis in just 8-hours - so your fat burning furnace fires up much sooner.
As you read about my cycle, don’t worry about writing any of this down, I have created a free PDF guide to supplement this email series. Inside, there is a diagram of the entire cycle that breaks down diet, training, the drugs used and their dosages by day of the week. You can get your free copy right here:
Download the Clen Anorectant Insulin cycle PDF Guide and Cycle Diagram for Free
One more thing, the use of insulin is entirely optional, but the use of a stimulant, Clenbuterol or Anorectant No.10, is not. If you want to use insulin, you will get into the fat-burning ketosis mode much faster (8 hours vs. 3-days). But, you can also get into ketosis the old school way, by following the high fat, low protein, and ultra-low carb diet that I’ll teach you. Either way, just get into ketosis - the underground, and riskier drug-induced way, or the more conservative and natural way. Then I’ll show you when to stack the appetite-suppressing stimulants Clenbuterol or Anorectant No.10 with the ketogenic cycle, so your metabolism will remain high, causing you to feel energized and burn fat like a nuclear blast furnace, without walking around feeling hungry.
Before we go any further, you should know that the radical information presented here is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only and is based solely on opinion. This information does not constitute medical advice. Neither Elite Fitness, Test Stack Rx, nor I assume any responsibility or liability for any actions you take.
Now, with that out of the way, let’s get started! Here what I’m going to share with you in this presentation.
Part 1. The Ketogenic Cycle for maximum fat burning - a new way to do a 5 day on, 2 day off ketogenic diet for maximum fat burning and keeping your metabolism revved to its full potential.
Part 2. Training on the Clenbuterol/Anorectant No.10/Insulin Ketogenic Cutting Cycle to melt the most fat possible and still build muscle.
Part 3. How to add stimulants Clenbuterol or preferably Anorectant No.10 on ketogenic days of the cycle to further stimulate your metabolism promoting lipolysis or fat burning, promote thermogenesis or elevated body temperature, and to keep your appetite in check.
Part 4. Finally, I’ll show you my very controversial secret for entering ketosis faster using Humulin R insulin - sending your body into fat burning mode in 8 hours instead of 3 days.
Get ready to incinerate fat, getting ripped, cut and perfectly defined faster than you ever dreamed possible!
Download the Clen Anorectant Insulin cycle PDF Guide and Cycle Diagram for Free
Best regards,
Dr. Field Farrar
Test Stack
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