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How to use Insulin - the most controversial drug used in bodybuilding today.
From the desk of...
George Spellwin - Founder
Dear Friend and Fellow Athlete,
Here's the final Part 4 of Dr. Field Farrar of's Clenbuterol/Anorectant No.10/Insulin Ketogenic Cutting Cycle. (The CAI Cycle.) This is his highly controversial secret for entering ketosis by using insulin to send your body into fat burning mode in 8 hours instead of 3 days. No one else would dare teach you this!
Here's the links to all five parts:
Introduction: The Clenbuterol Anorectant Insulin Cycle
Build hard, dry muscle while you burn fat fast - getting ripped, cut and perfectly defined.
Part 1. The Ketogenic Cycle for maximum fat burning - a new way to do a 5 day on, 2 day off ketogenic diet for maximum fat burning and keeping your metabolism revved to its full potential.
Part 2. Training on the Clenbuterol/Anorectant No.10/Insulin Ketogenic Cutting Cycle to melt the most fat possible and still build muscle. (Below)
Part 3. How to add stimulants Clenbuterol or preferably Anorectant No.10 on ketogenic days of the cycle to further stimulate your metabolism promoting lipolysis or fat burning, promote thermogenesis or elevated body temperature, and to keep your appetite in check. (Below)
Part 4. Finally, I’ll show you my very controversial secret for entering ketosis faster using Humulin R insulin - sending your body into fat burning mode in 8 hours instead of 3 days. (Below)
Yours in sport,

George Spellwin
From the desk of Dr. Field Farrar
Founder of
Phone: (888) 852-8091
Email Me: [email protected]
Hello guys!
My name is Dr. Field Farrar, the founder of This week George decided to send you guys my new report - all about radical fat burning. If you are not as ripped, lean, and muscular as you like, but you want to change that starting right now, you’re in luck! Today, I'll show you how to get a perfectly defined physique with a new cycle that I call the Clenbuterol/Anorectant No.10/Insulin Ketogenic Cutting Cycle. We’ll call it the Clen Anorectant Insulin cycle (or CAI cycle) for short.
Part 4: My very controversial secret for entering ketosis faster using Humulin R insulin - sending your body into fat burning mode in 8 hours instead of 3 days.
And now, here’s the most controversial part of the Clen Anorectant Insulin Cycle - the insulin part
A controversial secret for getting into fat burning ketosis faster is using Humulin R insulin. This step is completely optional. You’re going to get great results from this cycle just using Clenbuterol or Anorectant No.10 which is preferred and nothing more. But if you decide to use this trick, you can get your body into ketosis in 8 hours instead of 3 days - meaning, you have a full 5 days deep in dedicated fat burning mode before your carb up.
Insulin is one of the most controversial drugs used in bodybuilding today. The reality is that if you slip up and use too much insulin, you could enter a hypoglycemic coma, which could cause irreversible damage to your body and in some cases be fatal. Please note that the following information is highly controversial and provided solely for informational purposes.
First, you use Humulin R U-100 insulin. This is important compared to other types of insulin because it reaches its peak effect in 2 hours, causing a quick metabolic shift into ketosis. Using small amounts of insulin will cause your blood glucose to drop, in a quick and controlled manner. As the insulin sends your blood glucose level down approaching about 50 mg/ml you force your body into ketosis at a much faster rate.
A blood glucose meter or glucometer, to display your blood glucose level, is a must to use insulin safely. A glucometer costs around $30 on Amazon. You will also need to purchase insulin syringes that hold up to 100 units. Do not use regular syringes. You will need to measure out precise amounts of insulin, between 2-3 units, which cannot be measured accurately using a regular syringe. Here's a link to get one on Amazon:
Here's how it works: After you eat your last simple carb meal on Sunday night, you will need to take a reading on the glucometer to check your blood glucose level. The body's normal blood glucose level is usually between 80mg/ml and 120 mg/ml. At this point, draw 2-3 units of insulin into a syringe and inject it subcutaneously into a pinched fold of your skin. After waiting between two or three hours, take another reading with the glucometer. Your blood glucose level will have dropped since your last measurement.
Again inject 2 units of insulin and measure your blood glucose level around 2 hours after your second injection. Repeat this a maximum of 4 times over 8 hours until your blood glucose level is between 55 mg/ml and 65 mg/ml. When your blood glucose is at this level, you will descend into ketosis while you sleep.
ALWAYS REMEMBER TO STAY AWAKE FOR AT LEAST 2 HOURS AFTER AN INSULIN INJECTION. The last thing you want is to fall asleep after an injection and have your blood glucose drop to a dangerously low level while you sleep. You could fall into a hypoglycemic coma and no one will recognize the symptoms until it is too late.
Despite the controversy surrounding its use, insulin is one of the easiest substances in bodybuilding to obtain legally. It is available over the counter in most U.S. states and costs between $20-$30 in local pharmacies and is even cheaper through U.S. mail order pharmacies.
When you wake up in the morning, check your urine with a Ketostix. Measuring ketones in the morning is necessary because the sticks show only the unused level of ketones in your body and should show trace to moderate ketone levels. If you measure them in the afternoon the numbers will not be as accurate, because most of the ketones that were produced will have been used by your body as fuel.
Here's the 6-week cycle laid out using Anorectant No.10.
Week 1 | Drugs |
Sunday Evening Start | (Optional) 2 Units Humulin R U-100 insulin* every 2 hours (4 injections max) until blood glucose is between 55 mg/ml and 65 mg/ml |
Monday | Anorectant No.10: 1 cap/day |
Tuesday | Anorectant No.10: 1 cap/day |
Wednesday | Anorectant No.10: 1 cap/day |
Thursday | Anorectant No.10: 1 cap/day |
Friday | Anorectant No.10: 1 cap/day |
Saturday Sunday | |
Saturday Morning | |
Week 2 | Drugs |
Sunday Evening Start | (Optional) 2 Units Humulin R U-100 insulin* every 2 hours (4 injections max) until blood glucose is between 55 mg/ml and 65 mg/ml |
Monday | Anorectant No.10: 2 caps/day |
Tuesday | Anorectant No.10: 2 caps/day |
Wednesday | Anorectant No.10: 2 caps/day |
Thursday | Anorectant No.10: 2 caps/day |
Friday | Anorectant No.10: 2 caps/day |
Saturday Sunday | |
Saturday Morning | |
Weeks 3 - 6 | Drugs |
Sunday Evening Start | (Optional) 2 Units Humulin R U-100 insulin* every 2 hours (4 injections max) until blood glucose is between 55 mg/ml and 65 mg/ml |
Monday | Anorectant No.10: 3 caps/day |
Tuesday | Anorectant No.10: 3 caps/day |
Wednesday | Anorectant No.10: 3 caps/day |
Thursday | Anorectant No.10: 3 caps/day |
Friday | Anorectant No.10: 3 caps/day |
Saturday Sunday | |
Saturday Morning |
*Use a syringe that is marked for U-100 insulin preparations 100 units/mL (1 mL = 1 cc)
Here's the 6-week cycle laid out using Clenbuterol.
Week 1 | Drugs |
Sunday Evening Start | (Optional) 2 Units Humulin R U-100 insulin* every 2 hours (4 injections max) until blood glucose is between 55 mg/ml and 65 mg/ml |
Monday | Clenbuterol Men 40mcg, Women 10mcg |
Tuesday | Clenbuterol Men 40mcg, Women 10mcg |
Wednesday | Clenbuterol Men 40mcg, Women 10mcg |
Thursday | Clenbuterol Men 40mcg, Women 10mcg |
Friday | Clenbuterol Men 40mcg, Women 10mcg |
Saturday Sunday | |
Saturday Morning | |
Week 2 | Drugs |
Sunday Evening Start | (Optional) 2 Units Humulin R U-100 insulin* every 2 hours (4 injections max) until blood glucose is between 55 mg/ml and 65 mg/ml |
Monday | Clenbuterol Men 60mcg, Women 20mcg |
Tuesday | Clenbuterol Men 60mcg, Women 20mcg |
Wednesday | Clenbuterol Men 60mcg, Women 20mcg |
Thursday | Clenbuterol Men 60mcg, Women 20mcg |
Friday | Clenbuterol Men 60mcg, Women 20mcg |
Saturday Sunday | |
Saturday Morning | |
Weeks 3 - 6 | Drugs |
Sunday Evening Start | (Optional) 2 Units Humulin R U-100 insulin* every 2 hours (4 injections max) until blood glucose is between 55 mg/ml and 65 mg/ml |
Monday | Clenbuterol Men 80mcg, Women 30mcg |
Tuesday | Clenbuterol Men 80mcg, Women 30mcg |
Wednesday | Clenbuterol Men 80mcg, Women 30mcg |
Thursday | Clenbuterol Men 80mcg, Women 30mcg |
Friday | Clenbuterol Men 80mcg, Women 30mcg |
Saturday Sunday | |
Saturday Morning |
*Use a syringe that is marked for U-100 insulin preparations 100 units/mL (1 mL = 1 cc)
The Clenbuterol/Anorectant No.10/Insulin Ketogenic Cutting Cycle is intended as a six week cutting cycle. The only time the Humulin R insulin is used is on Sunday evenings before your start a ketogenic diet lasting from Monday through Friday. The Humulin R insulin is optional. On Saturday and Sunday, it’s all about getting out of ketosis and back into carbs which has the anabolic effect helping you build significant muscle.
The stimulants Clenbuterol or Anorectant No.10 are only used Monday through Friday and are more effective because of the break you give your body for two days on the weekend. Their dosage increases from week 1 to week 3, then remain at the max dosage from week 3 to week 6 when the cycle ends. At that time, you’re ready for your photoshoot or physique competition!
It’s best to take a two week break before repeating the six-week cycle again.
Here's the link where you can download the free PDF supplement with the whole cycle mapped out day by day and showing you diet, training, and drugs and dosages.
Download the Clen Anorectant Insulin cycle PDF Guide and Cycle Diagram for Free
This is the last day to get your copy before it has to come down. Tomorrow I have to take it offline forever since it is the basis for a book I'll be selling.
Best regards,
Dr. Field Farrar
Test Stack
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