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Recent content by MasonicBodybuilder

  1. MasonicBodybuilder

    how to run gw501516 cardarine PROPERLY

    How much fat you lose depends on your diet and training program. GW will just push you further than you can get naturally but is by no means going to do the bulk of the work. 20mg per day is plenty too.
  2. MasonicBodybuilder

    how would you stack creatine with bcaas?

    Creatine is super easy to take man. Just dose 5g per day indefinitely. I wouldn't bother with BCAA. You get plenty if you are eating a diet rich in protein.
  3. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved Log My 2024 Testosterone Equipoise cycle Log

    Looking really good man. You definitely have room to grow and stay lean at the same time.
  4. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved Log PuritySourceLabs LOG

    Diet is super clean man. Rotating different types of food like that help keep it interesting too.
  5. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved Log TPartin Log

    Meals looking good. Love cottage cheese. It is basically pure protein.
  6. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved Log SARMS Testosterone Log

    That is awesome getting the kid involved in the outside workout! Great way to start building healthy habits.
  7. MasonicBodybuilder

    Taking a diuretic to relief water retention from HGH?

    Diuretics are dangerous man. I wouldn't just start taking them. Typically the water retention from HGH goes down after a couple weeks.
  8. MasonicBodybuilder

    Video S23 vs. Oral Steroids: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    S-23 can be used at the beginning of a cycle just like any oral steroid.
  9. MasonicBodybuilder

    how would you add deca to this stack?

    I would have started it from the beginning since deca is a long ester. I would dose it at 400mg per week and make sure you add proviron too.
  10. MasonicBodybuilder

    CJC-1295 DAC dosing plan

    I would follow stevesmi's suggested dose.
  11. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved Log Slyder 2024 cut cycle

    Some of us are just more or less sensitive to estrogen. You definitely don't want to crash it though. It can crush your libido on top of the joint issues you were having. Glad to hear you are already feeling better.
  12. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved Log My TRT Trenbolone Anavar Dbol cycle Log

    Good start to the log. Make sure you stay active and update. Looking forward to following along!
  13. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved Log 2024 Para Pharma Testosterone Primobolan Equipoise Tbol Contest Prep Log

    That is awesome to hear! Probably a combination of the increased test but obviously the program and diet are huge factors.
  14. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved Log My 2024 Testosterone Equipoise cycle Log

    It's working if you are growing! Keep it up brother.
  15. MasonicBodybuilder

    Approved Log RoidRage69 Spring Bulk Testosterone Masteron NPP HGH IGF-1 LR3 Sponsored By PuritySourceLabs Euro Pharmacies Log

    I have felt the same way at the end of a cycle before. Just ready for it to end an on to the next phase.
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