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phiend Pro Bodybuilder (Total posts: 234) |
![]() ![]() ![]() If anyone has any good PGF2 info, please post it. Post about your cycle, how to inject, when to take it, how to dose, effects, etc. Thanks. IP: Logged |
Dino Strong Moderator (Total posts: 87) |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here is a good PGF-2 article that came from the Underground Supplements Newsletter. i hope this helps. There is quite a bit of interest in PGF2 right nowise I will clear a few things up first. I get my Lutalyse from a friend who is vet, I can only get personal use for the moment but will look into things further if there is a demand, this is a big if? I don�t even know if it�s on any banned lists in My own country let alone the U.S.A. My stats are as follows on the 13/01/99: weight: 221 pounds fat: round about 10/11% height: 6ft 2in I will start of with 2mg a day and build up too 8mg. As a few of you have shown interest in my real life trials with PGF2, I will report every week and tell you how I�m getting on. This report is fairly long but I hope it helps others who might be thinking of using PGF2. These are my results so take them for what they are. I started on the 13/01/99 with my first injection of 1/2 a mg of diniprost (pgf2); each 1-ml of Lutalyse contains 5mg of diniprost (pgf2). I used a 22Ga*3/4 needle, you should use insulin pins, which I will use when I get some. As with any new drug that you inject, I was careful not to use too much just in case I had a bad reaction to it, also I was shitting myself just like the first time with DNP! I injected into the bicep so I would know how painful this stuff really is. As soon as I started to inject, the pain started. If you could imagine your most painful injection, this is what it�s like every time you use it. I had no bad reactions or the side effects, so I thought "that what does not kill you makes you stronger". The next day I intended to use 8mg,so I started with 2mg in each leg, 10 minutes after injection I started to feel my chest and throat tighten so I used my Ventilin inhaler and this really did help. It still was not a pleasant feeling but I had it under control. A few moments later, the muscle spasms started in my intestines and bowels. The pain was not too bad, but I didn�t like the short stabs of pain my abdominal area was giving me so I quickly took one of my anti-spasmodic diarrhea tablets. These started to kick in 10 minutes later and all you get is a dull sensation of the pain. I have used it for 4 days now and I have not had the shits once. All you get is a little bit more wind. If your going to use pgf2, I would recommend using the drugs I have stated. They really worked wonders for me! As for training I didn�t feel it effected me at all apart from the fucking great pumps it gives you. Your muscles feel nice and hard all day even when you wake up, just like a good cycle of steroids would give you. I have been on for 4 days now, so I�ll give you my opinion; both-- good and bad. The bad side is the side effects, which I dealt with pretty well; the worst problem is the amount of injection you have to do in a day. I solved this by injecting 2 or 3ml at a time in each muscle, say for example you injected in your legs. Do 2 or 3ml in each leg. This saves time and pain, because I don�t want to be a slave to the needle. I found its best to inject first thing in the morning and last thing at night when you have not got much food in your digestive system. Any injections in the day are a bonus, you have to be practical about this because most of us have to go work in the day and it�s hard to find time to inject. Some might say you are not going to get the best out of pgf2 doing it this way but this is the practical way. If you can stand injecting 7 or 8 times a day fine, but you must like the fucking pain, because this stuff makes your muscle throb with pain for about an hour, and then it goes away after a day. I felt the rise in my body temperature and it did feel like I was on DNP. But this only lasted for about an hour. Maybe my temperature was still elevated for a few hours more but this was no problem. PGF2 has got to go along way to beat DNP in the race for the nastiest drug of all time, but its close. The reason I could inject so much into my system at once was because I was using my drug stack to help negate the side effects. The good side has yet to be seen but I am very confident this stuff will work. Remember I�m still learning every day!
TRANSDERMAL PGF2a The experiment I�m doing now is to use PGF2 transdermally. The insert to Lutalyse (pgf2) states that you should take extreme caution when handling Lutalyse as it can easily be absorbed through the skin. So I thought that maybe it could be applied to the skin without injecting. But as PGF2 has a half-life of around 10 minutes, it might not reach your muscles in time to do its work. But maybe it would be a better fat burner when applied transdermally, as PGF2 is supposed to kill fat cells when it comes in contact with them. I�m applying 2mg of PGF2 with Duchaines "Yo-Be-Lean"; I�ve been rubbing this mixture into my abdominal area until it all disperses. When I apply the mixture the area becomes very hot for 10 to 20 minutes, yohimbe and PGF2 seems like its working and the theory sounds pretty good but I will tell you if its worked after I have given it about a month. If anyone has any better ways to improve this mixture in any way please post here and tell me what you think. Maybe it will turn out to be a load of bull but who knows? REPORT 3 After nearly two weeks on, I�m very, very pleased with the results. I�m not taking any steroids or creatine, and I have not changed my diet in any way. My actual body weight gain has been nearly 5 pounds of muscle as far as I can tell. What with the constant pump I get, my overall appearance has improved greatly. I am using up to 2mg in each body part at a time for a total of 8mg a day. I have tried going higher but 2mg at a time are my limit in any one sight of injection. The body parts that have been hit the most have improved to no end. The improvement is ver visible. This stuff does not take weeks or months to work, it starts right away, and if you can live with the side effects this is worth trying. On the subject of transdermal PGF2a, I am still not sure the PGF2a gets to the muscle before it�s out of the body. This is why I sent e-mail to Dharkham asking this same question. I�m still waiting for a reply. If anyone wants any info on how to use or obtain PGF2a, e-mail me and I will try to answer you. REPORT 4 To recap things; on the 13/01/99 I started using PGF2a, my starting body weight was 221 pounds. After nearly 2 weeks of use, I was up 5 pounds. My report follows from here. As of 31/01/99 my body weight is 238 pounds, that�s 17 pounds of body weight gain in 17 days! As fucking amazing as it sounds, I began to notice all of this weight was not muscle, but a slight retention of water under the skin. I still got those great pumps you get from using pgf2a, maybe this is why? For the last two weeks, I had been using 10mg of pgf2a a day. The side effects seem to becoming less and less every time I use it. Or maybe I do not notice it so much? I experimented with a few things as well, such as injecting a body part in the morning and training it that same night. I had no problems with this at all, if anything, I got a better work out because I could feel the muscle better. I�m not saying it does not hurt but it�s a pain I can live with and if you cannot stand a bit of pain in your workouts, then don�t use pgf2a, simple. I also injected straight after training and still had no problems with the pain, these sensations only last about an hour anyway. I feel this is the best way to take pgf2a as your getting this growth promoter in the place where it�s needed the most, in the trained muscle. This is what I found and the next man might have different results but I found it OK. Other observations that I noticed apart from the slight water retention (maybe this is a one off and will not happen to you) was that it gave me amazingly hard erections, not a bad side effect if you ask me! I know Dharkham states in his article that people using steroids and pgf2a have to cut back on their poundage but, because I have been off for quite awhile now, my strength gains seemed to increase with pgf2a use. All right, this is where the fun begins. On the 31/01/99 I decided to go on a weeks diet to see what actual muscle gains I had made. I went on the loose theory that if all the weight I had gained was mostly water; I would have a body weight under that than which I had started on 13/01/99. When I diet, I go for it 100%. I use everything in my power to lose those pounds of fat. Here is the list of supplements that I used: 400MG OF DNP EVERY NIGHT BEFORE BED. YO BE LEAN+5MG OF PGF2A RUBBED ON MY ABS AND LOWER BACK EVERY NIGHT (THIS REALLY DID VISIBLY WORK IN MY OPINION). E/C STACK TWICE ADAY WITHOUT THE ASPIRIN (THIS HARMS THE EFECTIVENESS OF THE PGF2A). AND THE GREAT NEW DIET BY "ANIMAL"--ANIMALOBOLICS, IN A NUTSHELL YOU TRAIN THE NIGHT BEFORE THEN RELOAD WITH CARBS STRAIGHT AFTER YOUR WORKOUT, THEN CARB DEPLETE UNTIL THE NEXT NIGHT. ONLY TAKING PROTEIN AND FATS. NOT EVER RAISING YOUR INSULIN LEVELS SO YOU KEEP IN LIPOSIS. If you want more info on this fucking brilliant way to diet look on the "underground library message board", it�s well worth the read. And I cannot possibly do justice to it in a few lines of words. All right let�s get back to the diet. I weighed myself this morning and had a very pleasant surprise. I scaled in at 228 pounds of lean body weight. As I had hardly any carbs in my system or the water weight, which comes with carb stores, I had gained 7 pounds of lean body mass since my pgf2a experiment. So when I ingest carbs again and rehydrate my muscles, this figure will go up. I am very, very pleased with the look that pgf2a has given me. I will continue to use pgf2a to gain muscle and hardness. I cannot wait to try a mild cycle with this stuff; God knows how much muscle you can gain? I will report back next issue, as I do not know if I will do another weeks diet or not. I only intended to do one week but the ease of animals diet has made me want more. It�s the best diet I have been on ever! I�m still working on a new supplement to take with your pgf2a which stops calcium leaks in your muscles which should equate to less muscle being broken down when you train. See ya THE ENGLISHMAN IP: Logged |
Arnian Amateur Bodybuilder (Total posts: 1) |
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