Check out George's blog with video reviews of Test Stack No.17 that our members posted.
From the blog of...
George Spellwin
217 West 18th Street #1264
New York, NY 10113-1264
Phone: (888) 613-8959

Dear friend and fellow athlete,

EF Member Alistair (Test Rocket on the forums)

“My triceps are popping”
“See what its done to my abs are popping; I haven’t had this for years, the ridges are appearing”
“my biceps are firm not watery”
“It’s really good stuff, I love it”

EF Member Jeff (Muscle Stack on the forums)

“My test levels have gone through the roof”
“I'm talking like my bench press went at least 10% up... I put on a good five pounds of lean mass”
“I'm a competitive bodybuilder so it actually allowed me to show more on stage”
“I can’t sleep sometimes because my boner wakes me up all the time”
“these things fly off the shelf the moment they touch it”

EF Member Rico (Muscle Overkill on the forums)

“Test Stack 17 has worked great for me.”
“it’s enhanced my endurance and my strength”
“I felt like I was on a steroid cycle, it’s great for me”
“it increased my libido; I'm very active in that way. It’s hard for my girlfriend to even keep up now”
“I highly recommend it for you and I'm going to continue to take it.”

EF Member Austin (Steroid Guru on the forums)

“This is the best stuff I've ever used.”
“It makes my muscles harder, makes me burn fat, gain lean muscle.”
“It helps me boost my libido. It helps me boost strength, bench press, curling, dead lifts, squats, everything.”
“Test Stack has really given an inch or two on my bicep.”
“The only really negative thing about Test Stack 17 is that it makes you feel like you're a teenager again, like you're back in high school. It makes you get boners all the time.”

Yours in sport,

George Spellwin
The Most Controversial Fitness Site On The Net!

g[email protected]
(888) 613-8959