The most muscular physiques on all belong to our Platinum Members! Join this elite group and become a Platinum Member of the Forums and access ever feature of the site. Features guaranteed to help you build the lean muscular body of your dreams!

Click here to go Platinum and to save!
Here's the Top 5 Reasons to become a Platinum Member today:
Unrestricted Platinum Search (Unrestricted access to the most bodybuilding and anabolic steroid information in the world - over 6.5 million posts - transform your body in no time.)
Look at full size pics - You can expand the small thumbnail pics anywhere to see the full-sized pictures. And see everything in the Picture Forums including: the Member Galleries, Pictures of Gear, Men, Women, and Pro Bodybuilders.
Turn off ads and access the stealth site (so your boss can't catch you surfing Elite at work.)
Live uncensored real-time chat (Discuss anything you want in the Platinum Chat room.)
Access to George's Inner Circle - the Private Platinum Member-only Underground Forums - get the expert help that you need from our most elite members.
Plus you get More PMs, More Karma, More Bombs, your own forum, your own fitness journal, Bigger Avatars, and Signatures - all described in detail below.

Click here to see the different membership plans or read on for more details about what comes with your membership!
Huge savings until midnight !
Today only, you get one month FREE and you pay no initiation fee -- saving $51.97! And get 10, underground, steroid & bodybuilding reports, valued at $390 FREE -- even if you cancel! Read on...
From the desk of...
George Spellwin

Dear friend and fellow athlete,

The Discussion Forums are the best place on the Net to unlock the bodybuilding secrets that can give you a perfectly-defined, muscular physique and strip off every last ounce of your body fat. And a Platinum Membership is the key to making the fastest progress towards building the muscular development of a professional bodybuilder or top model. The most muscular physiques on all belong to our Platinum Members, because they understand that knowledge is power and that a Platinum Membership is the best way to unlock the underground info contained in the archive of more than 6.5 million posts made over the last 10 years. Plus as a Platinum Member, you get the instant respect of our other members for supporting the site -- respect that will help you make the contacts that you will need to build a powerful, muscular, sexy physique faster and safer than you ever dreamed possible. Here's what your Platinum Membership includes:

The Top Platinum Features

Unrestricted Platinum Search (Unrestricted access to the most bodybuilding intelligence in the world. Over 6.5 million pages of the worlds best bodybuilding info that you can use to build a perfect physique! )
A 5000 PM (private messaging) mailbox - instead of 50,
live uncensored real-time chat,
the stealth site, (so your boss can't catch you surfing Elite at work.)
Access George's Inner Circle - the private Platinum Underground Forums,
Your own fitness blog (for your own online training journal),
your own discussion forum if you want one in our Platinum Member Forums section about any subject you choose,
no ads (turn off all ads on the forums),
Gallery & Pics
Full size pics - You can expand the small thumbnail pics anywhere to see the full-sized pictures. And see everything in the Picture Forums including: Pictures of Gear, Our Members, Men, Women, and the Pro Bodybuilder,
Unlimited space for storing pics in your own gallery,
Full Gallery Access - Browse the thousands of Member Galleries with unrestricted access.
(Click here to read how Karma works.)
Karma Store Discounts (discounts on fun things to do with your Karma points),

Karma Awarded Threads - Add Karma to a thread to get more responses faster.
Bonus Karma Hits (more Karma every time your membership renews.)

Buy Karma and get a 100% Matching Bonus
Fun & Games
Sports Book - Create Events in the Karma Bookie Forum (Run Events for Members to wager their Karma on - like the latest sporting events.)
Play Platinum Poker - Play Live Texas Holdem with our other Members!
Play Casino Games in the Platinum Casino including Blackjack, Video Poker, Roulette, Slots, Baccarat and Keno.
Platinum Arcade - Play classic Arcade Games - Breakout, PacMan, Tetris, Space Invaders, Tetris, Solitaire, and Pong!
Bells and Whistles
Bigger Avatars (a pic appearing under your member name), Signatures (Text and Pics appearing under all your postings).
Platinum Preview (Mouse over a thread to see the first post.)
Platinum Copy (Copy anyone's post to another forum.)
Free Telephone and Email Support,
Become elegible for special prizes and contests,
Glowing Stars ,
and Bombs !
Today and until midnight , get 13 Free Bonus Reports & Videos (a $390 value)

For signing up before midnight , you get 13 free bonus reports & videos -- a $390 value, all for Free! including:

Join today for only $8.98 per month -- Less than a movie! When you join for three months and get an extra month FREE or join for longer and save even more! And today only, we'll waive the $40 initiation fee. Please select your Platinum Membership plan:

Platinum Membership Month to Month only $11.97
(renews automatically at $11.97 every 30 days*)

Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 3 months + 1 month Free! (Save $11.97)
(renews automatically at $35.91 every 4 months*)
Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 3 months only. (Only $35.91 + $20 initiation)
(One-time-only charge)
Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 6 months + 3 months Free! (Best Value - Save $35.91)
(renews automatically at $71.82 every 9 months*)
Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 1 year + 7 months Free! (Best Value - Save $84)
(renews automatically at $143.67 every 19 months*)
Join Platinum, click here!
Lifetime Platinum Membership (Special offer $299: only!) Join Platinum, click here!
* Includes all the Platinum Features. The $40 Initiation Fee waived through midnight . You get a guaranteed fixed renewal rate that will never increase. Note: it is very easy to turn off renewals in the "Your Account" page without losing any remaining membership time.

The Elite Fitness Discussion Forums are the only Forums in their class (to my knowledge) with over 100 pages of real testimonials from real, live members who actually exist and post on Elite everyday. These are NOT made up. I understand that any fool on the net can type up some testimonials and stick them on a page. But I give you my word of honor that these are legit. All of the following ones were posted right on the discussion boards. Here are some of the recent ones from the discussion boards along with links to the original post. I would really appreciate it if you would read these...

"George has provided us with a forum like no other to discuss s#!t that we can't even discuss anywhere else, we should support it."

"superqts gallery made on its own made Platinum worth it."
read the post... - needsize

Before After Going Platinum!
Before Platinum Member Needsize
"I'm not a master, a guru or anything for that matter... the good part about this whole deal is that I'm exactly the same as all of you: Just a guy who finally said "I will not take this anymore" and started to take action instead of sitting on my butt complaining how unfair life was, giving the guy next door a great body and to me, well, this!"

"Feel free to ask man, this board is good in the measure they help us reach our objectives, knowledge without action is useless!" Pintoca - read the post...
Before After Going Platinum!
Before After
"I've been testing this board out for months to see if everybody here was nice, sociable and helpful. Turns out that this is the best board around. Everybody here are like brothers. One big happy family. I want to be part of the family." Carth - read the post...
Before After Going Platinum!
Before After

"I always train on and off but never that hard ... I thought all that diet crap was BS, Lil did I know it was every thing Plus I drank beer like a fish and ate every thing in site, I've had 50 chicken wings and 5 32 ounce beers in one sitting LOL right before bed time (not smart)..."

"Plus I didn't know the 1st thing about supplements until I started reading more about it here on the net... along with diet and training..."

"I was a 230 pounds in that pic at 7%." read the post...


Before After Going Platinum!
Before After
"Since Feb. 20, 05... I've dropped a whopping 45lbs... doing everything right. When I joined, I was a big ol cow. There are SO many incredible people on the site that extended their hand, offered advice, guidance, etc to help me put together a plan that worked. AfterNow, I have tons of people coming to me for advice! It's awesome. I've never felt or looked better. All of the professional pics were taken at week 20. I'm EXTATIC about my results!"

"I have gained 55 pounds since I came to AfterElite. I gained it in one year exactly, that's with hand surgery. My long term goal is to make it to the top three in the Olympia at 240 pounds, dry as a bone." Ilovetolift
"AfterI use the Forums for inspiration to become as big and look as good as I can. It helps me stay consistent and motivated - I gained 35lbs in the last 3 years..."

"AfterJust did last night (went Platinum)... This site has helped me a lot so I decided to give back a little." read the post...

After"I first came to Elite I believe late 2004... I get excellent gains especially when I do medium dosages for prolonged periods of time. My fav combo is using TestProp, Cypionate, D-Bol, EQ, and Finaplix that I make at home. I learned how all this works on EF." minivin
"The forums have been integral for me, personally. I found it hard to meet people in my gym that I respected and whose advice I felt comfortable taking when I first started lifting. When you're the small guy, not many of the big guys have any real interest in befriending you since it's readily apparent they aren't going to learn or benefit much from training with you. The George's Inner Circle Forums and Platinum search engine helped me bypass that particular obstacle and allowed me to start picking the brains of the guys I actually wanted to look like."

"I came to Elite about 6 months after my before pics were taken. Given my sign-up date and daily visits, the math is pretty straight-forward. The boards have been irreplaceable to me." Nathan read Nathan's full profile...
Before After Going Platinum!
Before After
"I first found in the spring sometime... March or April maybe. In terms of progress since I've joined Elite Fitness, I have lost 30lbs of fat, and dashed my mile time, as well as increased my endurance to where I don't even think twice about going for a 4-8 mile run." Neonis
Before After Going Platinum!
Before After
GordyR Check our Platinum Member GordyR's transformation Pics...
Before After Going Platinum!
Before After

Wulfgar Check our Platinum Member Wulfgar's transformation Pics...

Before After Going Platinum!
Before After
"I've been Platinum on since the mid 90s. I guess you could say I grew up here. I went from fat to muscular thanks in large part to this site and my Platinum Membership." Dino Strong
Before After Going Platinum!
Marc Before Marc After
Genom Genom after Platinum Check our Platinum Member Genom's transformation Pics...

"Being Plat is nice... except I keep falling in love with every girl that posts that has a gallery! LOL"

"I have met some cool people.
The board has also been a great place for me to learn about things such as diet etc." read the post... Slat1
Before After Going Platinum!
Before After
"I came to EF around February 2000. Well when I started out lifting weights I was tall and skinny. After searching the net for a good place to dicuss training and dieting.I found EF. Since then I have made huge gains. As my pictures show, I have put on roughly 40kgs since 1997." MrMuscle
Before After Going Platinum!
Before After
"Since going Plat, I've gained over 80 lbs. Yeah, that's right 80 lbs. I used to be skinny, but now, watch out! The info you can find with Plat search does not exist anywhere else!" Tony M
Before After Going Platinum!
Before After
"I first came to EliteFitness some 6 years ago. My current name on the forums is johnny g. My name choice was easy, it was my name. I have made some friends from the forums and I come to the site at least 10 times a day. The forums I like to read are Anabolic/Steriod, Best of Elite, and Chat and Conversation. My future goals with my physique would be add another 20-30 lbs of quality muscle within the next two years. I would like to compete in the near future, I plan on being ready for my first show June of 06. My last cycle which was Tren and Dbol at 100/25 mg ED was amazing. I have cycled Test Cyp/Sust, Deca, Dbols, and Tren in the past. Insulin on and off 3-4 weeks at a time. All the information I now know are from experienced veterians, mods, other members from the board to begin with. Elite has definately helped me try new techniques and stratigies with my cycles as well as proper insulin use. EliteFitness is a phenomenal website with a vast amount of useful information. Anyone looking to improve there physic should unquestionably start with EliteFitness for any level or experience in bodybuilding."

After Johnny G.
"The progress I have made in one year as a Platinum Member has equaled everything I had accomplished to date!"

Superman10 (Check out his before and after pics!)
Before After Going Platinum!
Before After
"PumpGirl AfterI built my training schedule with the help of the Platinum Members on the Platinum Underground board - that way I knew I would be getting the best advice. Basically, Monday it's quads, Tuesday chest and tri's, Wednesday, it's back and bi's, Thursday I train hamstrings and calves, and Friday I train delts."

"Like my training schedule, my anabolic cycles were built with the help of the Platinum Members on the exclusive Platinum Forums. The only anabolics I've ever done are winstol -v tabs and anavar. The winny cycle was about 4 years ago and the anavar cycle I just completed a few weeks ago."

"Thanks to my gains were terriffic with absolutely no negative sides whatsoever." read her complete profile...

Trish Wells aka PumpGirl
"I messed around with lifting on and off for about 3 years because I played high school and college football. But, I have been bodybuilding hard for three years now after finding Elite and going Platinum."

Rick Maffei After"Over my 3-years as a Platinum Member of EF, I have successfully transformed my body from 217 pounds, 13% body fat, to my current physique, which is 176 pounds. 5-6% body fat." read his complete profile...

Rich Maffei aka Bulld0g
"I discovered surfing the web looking for info on anabolics. When I got sick in Peru the pharmacist gave me deca and testoviron to get my weight back up, so I was searching for more info on the subject before taking these meds. This is how I discovered -- the best bodybuilding board on the net -- and I soon became a Platinum Member. I've learned an invaluable amount of information. The correct methods to use anabolics, training, and contest prep info, as well as being aware of all the fake products and scammers out there -- thereby saving me hundreds maybe thousands of $$$$."

Animal B After"Getting my body in shape has done wonders... You get more respect, socially, everyone wants work out info... There's nothing like when someone stops you in the street and asks for a picture with you... I thank Elite Fitness and my Platinum Membership for giving me the education needed to be where I am today..." read his full profile...

Hal Kreitman also known as "Animal B"
After"Platnium only way to go!"

Re: Why did you go Platinum?

After"Support the site..."

"Who am I kidding... the women!"

"Ok... and so I would be able to have access to all the info. as I was seriously concidering a cycle."

- SgtsSlaughter

"Hey everyone,

I just wanted to drop a line to everyone here! For about the last year I've just read the threads on this site and have learned so much. I really appreciate the information that everyone shares here as well as the willingness to help each other... even for guys who ask some really 'knuckle-dragger' questions! I appreciate those Afterwho were patient with me when I first started! I'm still learning... which is why I just went Platinum with you all... I'm hear to learn, share what I know... and make some new friends! We'll be talkin!" read the post...


After"I like being able to search the forums. There seems to be sort of a hierarchy eg. non-plats, plats, mods... I think it takes only four plats to vote in order to ban a non plat. That is pretty cool too. but above all, you are supporting the best fitness site that exist."

"AfterMan ladies and gentalmen I finally got myself a Platinum Membership. It's cool and the galleries are great. I am going to be Platinum from now on. Anyone who is not Platinum you need to get yourself a membership."

"AfterYes you will like being Plat alot more..."

"(It) makes the board more enjoyable."

"I just did it for the 3 months and I am never going back."

"AfterI just went Plat this morning... actually pretty cool... All the pictures are big now... My name's big with all the stars... I only bought a 3 month + 1 for now, till I get a chance to get home and work up some money... Then I'll just buy a life-er."

After"Once you go Plat you'll never go back."

Re: Is Platinum Membership on Elite Worth it?

"AfterYup, lifetime plat member here. I plan on being here as long as the site is running, so until I die. There are so many parts of this site other than the AAS forums that pertain to all of your daily life it was worth it. Especially the training boards and diet and nutrition boards" read the post...

Re: What Does It Mean To You To Be A Plat Member?

"I went plat to give back to the site that has transformed my life. I started on the steroid board for info and it has helped me to go further than I ever could.After I also like to get the most out of this place. The people are great, I like helping people and when your Plat they take you more seriously. This site has become my place to relax and enjoy chatting with others. for the longest time I didn't even go to the chat side I was stuck on the steroid side. there is a lot more things to talk about over here."

Has EF actually made your life better?

"For me I was thinking about it tonight... it honestly has tremendously improved my life..."

"Before I came here, I was 15 years old, little self esteem, didn't dress well, wasn't in good shape. After I came here the first thing that happened was I learned about CKD. I never would have lost the 25 lbs from 185 to 160 to make myself much more confident and attractive."

"I then became interested in working out and got in much, much better shape. I was developing a body faster then any of my friends who had been working out much longer then me. It wasn't just physical changes though. I started reading the fashion forums and reading Chat and Conversation. During my junior year of high school I started to gain so much confidence. I realized that I needed to be myself. And the advice and attitude I got from here was largely responsible for that. I started to pursue my own interests... such as muay thai... which has been a large part of my life since then."

"With girls I received so much advice on how to do things... I learned here to be confident and not to wear my heart on my sleeve. EF is the place where u talk about the s#!t that you don't talk about with your guy friends... who are clearly less mature then to be able to handle that. Another thing is, EF has aged me... I come here and bicker with 40 something year olds. who tell me when I'm being a dumb f#&king teenager and who tell me when I need to appreciate something cause its not going to last..."

"Now I'm so much more the person I want to be. I let NO ONE push me around... due to my increased confidence and ability to back that up with strength, speed, and martial arts training. I am in great shape and have experience in working hard for things that most people don't know about. I have been on a strict diet or 2 for long periods of time... While at the same time achieving tough fitness and training goals. I have become 1000x more attractive to women, I have a closet that girls actually TALK ABOUT (funny story but I had a girl who saw my closet and she showed up at my door with 5 more girlfriends who wanted to see the nicest guy's closet she had ever seen! (I hooked up with 2 of them) plus I know how to handle myself in situations. More then anything I have self confidence and I respect myself as well as other people."

After"You all can take this post as me being stupid or arrogant. But I'm writing a sincere post as I feel like EF has helped me tremendously... So this is a thank you to all of you who have helped guide me. Thanks to those that have helped guide me during my years of largest growth to where I am today."


"AfterI believe you can't search if you're not Platinum. I do about 10 searches a day. Plus, if not for this site I would have probably done serious harm to myself with AAS, so its payback I'll be elite for as long as I'm lifting."


After"A Platinum Membership is by far worth it to me. I've been here for 4 years and learned an immense amount of knowledge from the board and I feel the least I can do is support it. It's my way of giving back kinda. $3 a week isn't s#!t and its the least I can do for what I've learned. I may not agree with everything that goes on behind the scenes here, but there is enough good information and good bro's here that I'm not goin anywhere. Plus I told Georgie I'd go plat." read the post...

Chris aka Khemix
"AfterYes. I have had a few people here keep me on my toes when I needed it . I have also met some wonderful Ladies that have helped me so much when I was going through rough times in my life and let me not forget about the guys who have been wonderful as well."

"AfterI found EF looking online for some fitness info, found the Women's Forum & stayed, eventually branching into other forums..."

"I've learned a lot from being here and have made some good friends in my time here..."

Platinum Membership Month to Month only $11.97
(renews automatically at $11.97 every 30 days*)

Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 3 months + 1 month Free! (Save $11.97)
(renews automatically at $35.91 every 4 months*)
Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 3 months only. (Only $35.91 + $20 initiation)
(One-time-only charge)
Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 6 months + 3 months Free! (Best Value - Save $35.91)
(renews automatically at $71.82 every 9 months*)
Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 1 year + 7 months Free! (Best Value - Save $84)
(renews automatically at $143.67 every 19 months*)
Join Platinum, click here!
Lifetime Platinum Membership (Special offer $299: only!) Join Platinum, click here!
* Includes all the Platinum Features. The $40 Initiation Fee waived through midnight . You get a guaranteed fixed renewal rate that will never increase. Note: it is very easy to turn off renewals in the "Your Account" page without losing any remaining membership time.
Let's recap what your Platinum Membership includes...

Platinum Search! Search the largest anabolic steroid and underground bodybuilding archive in the world -- containing over 4 million posts!

Real Time, Uncensored, Platinum Chat!

Access the Private Platinum Discussion Forums! (George's Inner Circle (The Platinum Underground), The Best of Elite Fitness, My Training Journal, Bodybuilding and the Law, and Platinum Chemistry).

PM Private Messaging Mail Box with 500 messages -- regular users only get 50.

Access full size pics when you click any thumbnail on all the Picture Forums

Post as many pictures as you like anywhere including your message signature, and get an Avatar right away!

Stealth Web Address -- Does your boss know you surf Elite? Using the stealth address, your boss or company's IT department will think you are checking a PC Technical Support web site, because that's what the web address (URL) will look like to them. In fact, you'll be surfing the boards at work -- not getting caught!

Personal Photo Gallery -- Access your own photo gallery of every image you ever posted and see every member's photo gallery -- full size images!

Special Stars and bonus Karma hits for supporting the site! (Click here to read how Karma works.)

13 Free Underground Steroid Bonus Reports & Videos valued at $390.

Become eligible for special Prizes and Contests!

Priority for becoming a Moderator!

Free Telephone and Free Email Support!

NO banner ads and NO pop-up ads!

And you save the $40 initiation fee!

A Platinum Membership gives you unlimited search access -- The Elite Fitness archive contains over 6.5 million postings making it the largest underground bodybuilding and anabolic steroid archive in the world.

A Platinum Membership gives you access to all the full-sized picture boards and galleries! Including:

Gear Pictures Forum
View thousands of photos of anabolic steroids from around the world or post your own pics for review. (And check out pictures of counterfeits you need to avoid.)

Gear Pictures Forum
Access full size pics when you click any thumbnail on any of the Forums! See what you're missing:

Pictures of the Pros
Post pics of your favorite Pros and top amateurs here. Or marvel at the freaky muscularity in the thousands of pics already online. (And check out their physiques for your own inspiration.)

Pictures of Our Members
Check out our members' pics or let the Platinum Members see what you look like. All while keeping your photo's away from the eyes of the general Public. There are thousands pics in thousands of galleries. For example:

Pictures of our Member

Post as many pictures as you like anywhere! Uploaded from your PC, or using the [IMG] tags. Here's what one member posted!

And you ain't seen nothing yet! You get access to the steamy Elite Between the Sheets pictures forums -- way too sexy to post in this letter:

And you get access to the Elite Fitness Discussion Forums Stealth Web Address! Ever want to mess with your boss by surfing the Discussion Forums at work and not get caught? Want to really fool him and the company Systems Administrator too? Now it's easy, because Platinum Members can access the Elite Fitness Discussion Forums not only from, but also from the new stealth URL

If your boss checks your PC or your office's access logs, all he'll see is that you were getting help with your PC at But you were really surfing the Elite Fitness Discussion Forums using the stealth web address.

The home page looks like this:

The Stealth Site

But when you log in, you get the Elite Fitness Discussion Forums using this stealth URL

"The goal of Expert PC Support is to help users troubleshoot and solve their computer problems, as well as help them practice good computer maintenance. Find free device drivers, technical support, installation guides, and other troubleshooting information for all your computer needs." Ha Ha Ha, who are we kidding? Only you and the Platinum Members will know!

And there's more!

Platinum Chat is the uncensored feature for our Platinum Members. Platinum Chat is the easiest way for you to cut up, bulk up, hook up, or stock up! If you're a Platinum Member, just visit the boards and you're automatically logged into the Platinum Chat Room where you can instantly chat live with all the Moderators, Platinum Members, and me.

In Platinum Chat, you'll see everyone chatting away in a small, discrete, chat window. If you click on a member's name once, you can check out the member's profile. Double click on the name and a new chat window opens up for you to have a private unmoderated and uncensored conversation about anything you want. The chat room is easy to use and it's lightening fast. Best of all, it's another added feature you get just for going Platinum and supporting the site.

Here's what the main chat room looks like:

Here's what a private chat room looks like:

Today and until midnight , it has never been cheaper to support and become a Platinum Member. Right now, when you sign up for a Platinum Membership for three months at the low price of $11.97 a month, you get an extra month of Platinum for FREE! That means you are really only paying $8.98 a month or 29¢ a day -- that's less that what it costs to go to the movies! And we'll waive the $40 initiation fee. Think of it as a small investment in your perfect physique. Please select your Platinum Membership:

Platinum Membership Month to Month only $11.97
(renews automatically at $11.97 every 30 days*)

Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 3 months + 1 month Free! (Save $11.97)
(renews automatically at $35.91 every 4 months*)
Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 3 months only. (Only $35.91 + $20 initiation)
(One-time-only charge)
Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 6 months + 3 months Free! (Best Value - Save $35.91)
(renews automatically at $71.82 every 9 months*)
Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 1 year + 7 months Free! (Best Value - Save $84)
(renews automatically at $143.67 every 19 months*)
Join Platinum, click here!
Lifetime Platinum Membership (Special offer $299: only!) Join Platinum, click here!
* Includes all the Platinum Features. The $40 Initiation Fee waived through midnight . You get a guaranteed fixed renewal rate that will never increase. Note: it is very easy to turn off renewals in the "Your Account" page without losing any remaining membership time.

But, as a Platinum Member, there's one thing you will NOT get. NO ADVERTISEMENTS! That's right, Platinum Members can surf the boards with NO banners and NO annoying pop-ups.

You'll also get seven Free bonus reports -- filled with underground muscle building info (that you can keep even if you cancel) including:

This is underground intelligence you will not find anywhere else!

When you place an order at Elite Fitness, your VISA, Mastercard, AMEX, or Discover card number is encrypted, or scrambled, so completely, that it is unreadable during transit. You'll see a discreet charge from Elite Fitness on your billing statement. And you're 100% protected by our Safe Shopping Guarantee.

And, at, we have a strong commitment to your personal privacy. Your trust is so important to us that when you do business with Elite, you can be assured that your personal information will never be sold, given away, or mishandled. And, you can ask that your personal information be removed from our files at any time. Please click here for our complete Privacy Policy. Or, please select your Platinum Membership:

Platinum Membership Month to Month only $11.97
(renews automatically at $11.97 every 30 days*)

Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 3 months + 1 month Free! (Save $11.97)
(renews automatically at $35.91 every 4 months*)
Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 3 months only. (Only $35.91 + $20 initiation)
(One-time-only charge)
Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 6 months + 3 months Free! (Best Value - Save $35.91)
(renews automatically at $71.82 every 9 months*)
Join Platinum, click here!
Platinum Membership 1 year + 7 months Free! (Best Value - Save $84)
(renews automatically at $143.67 every 19 months*)
Join Platinum, click here!
Lifetime Platinum Membership (Special offer $299: only!) Join Platinum, click here!
* Includes all the Platinum Features. The $40 Initiation Fee waived through midnight . You get a guaranteed fixed renewal rate that will never increase. Note: it is very easy to turn off renewals in the "Your Account" page without losing any remaining membership time.

I'll dare say that there's more information in the millions of posts on the Elite Fitness Forums than in all the bodybuilding magazines ever published. Don't believe me? Just check the search engine. How much would you pay for the greatest bodybuilding archive ever assembled in the history of the sport? Ten dollars a day? Five dollars a day? How about only 29¢ a day? For less than the cost of a pack of chewing gum, you get all this and the pride of knowing you support the Elite Fitness community -- keeping us online.

And if you get your Platinum Membership by midnight , you'll also receive 13 incredible bonus reports & videos valued at $39 each for free:

Bonus Report 1. The 7-day DNP Fat Loss Inferno Cycle -- A $39 value Free!
Boasting an astounding 50% increase in metabolic rate, DNP is the most effective fat burner that bodybuilders are using today. (For comparison purposes, the ECA stack produces only a 3% increase in metabolic rate.) Athletes reporting fat losses of 10-12 pounds in only 8 days of use have further added to the DNP mystique. However, DNP is also the deadliest substance used in bodybuilding today - so deadly, that it has been implicated in the death of several athletes. In this free bonus report, I'll tell you more about DNP. You'll learn about the 7-day DNP Fat Loss Inferno Cycle, the precautions you should take if you decide to try it, and I'll give you the reasons why you should avoid DNP in favor of other diet drugs and supplements that are not nearly so dangerous.

Bonus Report 2. Modafinil: Science Makes Sleep Obsolete -- A $39 value Free!
In this free bonus report, I'll let you know how elite bodybuilders and athletes are using the drug modafinil in order to optimize their sleep cycles and obtain peak performance while they are awake. Modafinil is such an interesting drug, because it enables someone to remain awake for a very long time, say three or four days, without needing sleep. And what makes Modafinil special, is that while it promotes a prolonged wakefulness, it is not stimulating or dangerous in the way amphetamine, cocaine, or coffee can be.

Bonus Report 3. Xyrem -- New Pharmaceutical GHB -- A $39 value Free!
GHB has been around for years and bodybuilders have long been interested in GHB for promoting restorative sleep and for its growth hormone (GH) release connection. In the last year a great deal of new research has been done on GHB that indicates that at controlled dosages, its side effects are practically nonexistent and that there is a definitely a connection between GHB and GH release. In this free bonus report, we'll look at the new research on GHB. We'll also look at how bodybuilders are using it to aid in muscle development and improve recovery times. And we'll also take a look at some of the latest research that indicates that many of the side effects attributed to GHB by the media were largely unfounded.

Bonus Report 4. Why Billy has Breasts -- Understanding and preventing gynocomastia and other estrogen-related steroid cycle side effects -- A $39 value Free!
Meet poor Billy. Billy stands over 6 feet tall and weighs around 270 pounds. Billy was born a healthy, normal man. But now, Billy has an exciting career as an exotic dancer -- shaking and shimmying his double D's. How did Billy grow breasts like the guy in Fight Club with the huge knockers? Our friend Billy used anabolic steroids without anti-estrogens. To understand what happened to poor Billy, in this free bonus report, we'll examine estrogen and its relationship to male use of anabolic steroids. And, we'll look at drugs you can use to annihilate estrogen in a blinding burst of anabolic goodness! This free report is a must read, unless of course you actually want a career in the exotic dancing arts like our friend Billy.

Bonus Report 5. Botox for Bodybuilders -- Do it yourself guide! -- A $39 value Free!
As you've heard, Botox is at the vanguard of treating wrinkles and the effects of aging. What you may not realize is that competitive bodybuilders have begun to experiment with Botox for its ability to block perspiration as well as for its ability to remove the lines formed by facial contractions when posing. In this Free Bonus Report, I'll tell you about how bodybuilders are using Botox to control excess perspiration caused either naturally or by hormonal manipulation. I'll also tell you about how Botox can be used to remove facial lines and make maintaining a natural facial expression when posing much easier. And although not recommended, I'll let you know the effective dosages and injection procedures athletes follow when administering Botox themselves.

Bonus Report 6. Engineered viral delivery of IGF-1 (Insulin like Growth Factor 1)-- Revolutionizing Muscle Growth as we know it! -- A $39 value Free!
For a few years now, bodybuilders and athletes have known about the anabolic properties of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I). When injected locally, IGF-1 increases protean-based muscle tissue, muscle DNA, and satellite cell activity. It is so anabolic that it even promotes localized muscle growth without strength training. And when combined with strength training, the results can be remarkable. But, as athletes who have experimented with IGF-1 know, it is very expensive, and the benefits are largely temporary in nature - slowly ending when administration ends. However, this will soon change. The University of Pennsylvania has developed a method to deliver IGF-1 into skeletal muscle using a virus. This revolutionary viral deliver method has enabled the insertion of IGF-1 genes directly into the muscle cell allowing them to produce their own growth factor indefinitely. The implications for bodybuilders and athletes are extraordinary. In this Free Bonus Report, you'll learn all about this remarkable breakthrough.

Bonus Report 7. Huge GHB busts! And how two athletes beat the system and got off! -- a $39 value, yours FREE!
Roberts and Toback ran a health food store. In the case The United States of America against Todd Roberts and Michael Toback, both defendants, Roberts and Toback, were indicted for conspiracy to distribute and to possess with the intent to distribute butanediol, which the government alleged was an analogue of the Schedule I controlled substance gamma hydroxybutyric acid (GHB). The defendants moved to dismiss the indictment - and against enormous odds, they succeeded, and the indictment was dismissed. Had they lost, they would have been up the creek! It is extremely rare when a judge dismisses a federal criminal indictment, but it is even more unheard of when he does it by declaring a law unconstitutional. But that's what just happened.

Bonus Report 8. The 13 Secret Exercises Of Physique Champions-- a $39 value, yours FREE!

Bonus Report 9. Mike Dayton Talks About His Legendary Trademark Feats of Strength -- a $39 value, yours FREE!

Bonus Report 10. Getting Huge Takes A Huge Pair of Balls! - How and why taking care of your boys is key for building and KEEPING more muscle that you ever dreamed possible when you're on the juice. Neglecting them, like most athletes do, is the reason why many athletes make impressive gains initially, and end up keeping next to nothing when their cycles over. -- a $39 value, yours FREE!

Bonus Video 11. Watch the HBO Real Sports Steroid Special! This groundbreaking report is the first time a major television broadcast speaks some truth about steroids. It is a ground-breaking refutation of the steroid hysteria that has crossed the nation. They even drive a stake through the heart of the persistent lie about Lyle Alzado's demise."

Bonus Video 12. Watch the FOX News report Craig Titus the Line - World famous pro bodybuilder Craig Titus is facing murder and arson charges for allegedly killing his personal assistant! Includes amazing footage of Craig training hard!

Bonus Video 13. Sexy Fitness Babes - Behind the Scenes with Alex Ardenti - Watch a sexy behind the scenes video of an Alex Ardenti photo shoot! Check out the beautiful babes as they make love to Alex's camera!

Don't decide now...

Just give a Platinum Membership a try for one month. See for yourself that the Platinum Forums are everything I've said they are and more. Remember, there's no risk, you can cancel at any time with no questions asked. And you can keep the 13 free bonus reports, a $390 value, just for giving Platinum a try!

So just to review, for pennies a day, you get:

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* Includes all the Platinum Features. The $40 Initiation Fee waived through midnight . You get a guaranteed fixed renewal rate that will never increase. Note: it is very easy to turn off renewals in the "Your Account" page without losing any remaining membership time.

I'll see you on the Platinum Forums in my Inner Circle!

Yours in sport,

George Spellwin

PS, Right now, if you sign up for a Platinum Membership for six months before midnight , you get 3 additional months free. You save $36 - plus we'll waive the $40 initiation fee! Please click here to get your Platinum Membership and 3 months free.

PPS, THE BEST VALUE! If you sign up for a Platinum Membership for a full year before midnight , you get 7 additional months free. Your save $84 - plus we'll waive the $40 initiation fee! Please click here to get your Platinum Membership and 7 months free.

PPPS: Right now and until midnight you can get a lifetime Platinum Membership for only $299! Please click here for your Lifetime Platinum Membership and to save!

PPPPS: You can easily purchase from us with a check or with a money order made out to Elite Fitness. Here's our address:

Also, you can email us here or call us at any time and we look forward to speaking with you. Unlike many web sites, our phone number is not only on our contact page, but on almost every page on the site. Our office hours are from 10AM to 6PM Eastern time. And should we all be on the phone, we promise to return your call within one business day. And usually, we call back much sooner!

International orders are welcome. We will charge your credit card in dollars and the bank will convert the charge to your local currency. And credit card conversion rates are usually the best around! And if you need additional assistance placing your order, please click here to send us an email.

PPPPPS: Here's more Platinum Member testimonials...

Re: Why did you go Platinum?

"I did it to have more info about everything and to support this great forum."

rui santos
Re: Why did you go Platinum?

"Support and great info. Plus the women help too."

"I can't believe the difference in the search capabilities before, and after Plat. It's like night, and day. Definitely reason enough right there to go PLAT for LIFE!!! You wont find these resources ANYWHERE ELSE!!!"

"I love EF, and all that it's about. For the price it costs me to order a Gin and Tonic, I can have me a month's plat. It's crazy! HaHaHa. But I went with the lifetime anyway. Why you ask? Because George Spellwin is a stand up guy."

"Thank you EF. Thank YOU!" read the post...

Just went plat. Love the site.

"Well folks I just went Platinum and can say that this site is full of useful info. I have been hitting it hard for about 7 weeks now and have seen some changes. I was basically a fat ass with good genetics (Will post pics sometime). Basically hitting cardio 5 days (early morning) and iron in the eve. with a 2 on 1 off split. Trying to keep the diet as clean as possible. This site will be part of my inspiration and I'm sure I will post plenty of questions. The thing that I liked most about the site is it looks like I can get legit feedback from all the hard hitters with a ton of experience. Hope to talk with you soon.

Age- 33, 34 real soon
297lbs (Now 278)
BF 34% (Now at 29%)

17% BF, I could care less about my weight, I want to be BIG!"

"Platinum is definitely the way to go."

Judo Tom
Re: What Does It Mean To You To Be A Platinum Member?

"The search function for one. However, I got enough out of this site by going Plat that I decided that giving a little back was a good thing."

"I've been lurking on here for about a month and the help and information I've received has been outstanding! Just wanted to say I'm happy to be a new part of this community and look forward to getting to know everyone on here better!"

"A lot of member enjoy the full search option. The Platinum Members have access to a knowledge base of over 6,500,000 posts."

Re: Has EF actually made your life better?

"Have to say - Yes it has... alot of great people here. a lot of great information is available on just about anything you could imagine..."

"But the People on here is what makes it work..."

Re: Is a Platinum Membership on This Forum Worth it?

"Of course it's worth it. From simple pictures of members and girls to the most advanced and updated information about chemistry, training, nutrition and Steroids."

Re: Is a Platinum Membership on Elite Worth it?

"I say yes. You can do the non-Plat thing, but you gain so much knowledge so much quicker by having those Plat features."


"I here ya guy's I am always stuck searching for info. This site has being good to me. All the knowledge you need! My girl friend gets pissed because I sit here non stop searching this board. She thinks I should marry my computer. Cheers!"


Read the thread...

"I became Plat to search. Since then this site has been extremely helpful and I wanted to support it."


"Help, I am suffering from Elite Fitness Syndrome!!!"

"Ok guys, I have to be honest with you... I have been gettin no school work done for weeks now, I've been sittin on my ass on the computer for hours and hours a day (eating of course)... I just got to admit... I AM WAY TOO ADDICTED TO THE BOARD... I LOVE READING POSTS AND OF COURSE MAKING POSTS AND TALKIN TO THE BROS ON THE BOARD..."

Shoot Me Up

Read the thread...

"I'm on this thing all day, I'll be sitting in my dorm watching TV or reading and every 10 minutes I'll jump up and see who responded to the posts I'm interested in."

"It really grows on u. I have been on this board for about 6 months now and since then I haven't bought one stupid muscle magazine cause all the information is right hear at my finger tips..."

"I love all of you guys."


Read the thread...

"I get mad if I miss a day or two, just in case I missed something good or funny..."


Read the thread...

"Is there a 12 step program? I have used the search feature so much I am surprised it still works, and yeah I come back like every 10 mins sometimes to see new post and see how people have responded to my posts... It's kinda nuts... a bunch of addictive compulsives we are..."


Read the thread...

"I'm an addict and can't get off! Every time I leave cold turkey the next time I'm on even longer to cover for lost time! and yes I'm drinking winny..."


Read the thread...

"All of us who spend a-lot of time on here are addicted to EF, we are also underground EF users. I think we need help! Well maybe not I am trying to get F#*KING HUGE, I'm sure the rest of you are too. I LOVE MY EF!"


Read the thread...

"Sometimes I get locked into the boards and miss class, but the main problem is attempting to get homework done in front of the computer "Lemme just read one more thread and then I'll..."


Read the thread...

"The choice is obvious... Quit school and you will have more time for the board."


Read the thread...

"My new life:

Wake up and eat
Check EF
Crank a few CC's and wash down a hand full of tabs
Check EF
Go to work Eat/Eat/Eat
Come home and Eat
Check EF
Workout and Eat
Check EF
Have Dinner
Check EF
Check EF just once more before bed.
Have sex with the old lady (no pc in bedroom)

Next day - repeat above. Seems pretty well rounded to me."


Read the thread...

"I'm just glad that for the past week, I've been the only one in the office. so I'm getting paid for 8 hours of reading EF. I love my job!"


Read the thread...

"this board is addicting... I feel the same way... I wonder if they have a re-hab for people like us addicted to Elite Fitness..."

The mann

Read the thread...

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